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Wrap-Around Book.

  • Size: 8.5 x 7
  • Min/QTY: 5
  • Price: $243.60


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Gift Certificate Book Printed For Your Business

This gift certificate is manufactured and made into a compact booklet format with three-part carbonless pages. It is created by small businesses to be sold or distributed to others as a gift. This gift certificate wrap-around book is a best seller. It's printed on premium-quality paper with a certificate-themed border. You will get 100 gift certificates with 50 sheets per set. The size of each certificate is 8.5" x 3.5" and the overall size of the book is 7" x 8.5". The expiration line area is left blank so that you can write in specific expiration dates.

How can your business benefit from this Gift Certificate Book? Gift certificates help businesses promote their goods and services by applying the following methods:

  1. Reward Customer Loyalty - Your loyal customers should be rewarded. Show your appreciation by giving them a gift certificate. They will keep coming back and be your biggest fan in advertising your product or service.
  2. Increase sales - Every time someone buys a gift certificate and gifts it as a gift to someone else, it increases your sales.
  3. Build a Brand Name - A strong brand gives the company longevity in business. When you personalize the gift certificate by adding your logo and business information, the awareness of your brand increases. This is one of the most powerful promotional methods that you can apply to your business.
  4. Increased Holiday Sales - Holidays like Christmas are a time when businesses see an increase in sales and the use of Gift Certificates.

Wrap-Around Book.


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