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Product # ARO-371 Snap-A-Part

  • Size: 8.5" x 8.5"
  • Min/QTY: 250
  • Price: $124.60
Tags: Repair Forms


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Auto Repair Order Form  - Preprinted 4-Part Carbon Copies, Personalized

We print Auto Repair Order Forms, which is a written document used by automotive repair shops to show all the details associated with fixing a vehicle, including parts, labor, description of work, and the costs. It is used to better manage, schedule workflow, and give a mechanic clear instructions for the job. This format is valid for the state of California. It is pre-printed with carbon copy paper with 4 parts so that there are additional copies copy for the customer, the office, and the mechanic. You can personalize this form by printing your logo, company name, and address. It is designed and printed so that you can easily fill in the fields associated with the repair. This format has a perforated tab and hole punched so that it can be placed into a portable register.

This order form can be used for automobile repair, restoration, and maintenance. The design format makes the form useful as an invoice, work order, receipt, or estimate. It is ideal for automotive repair shops or even the service department of larger dealerships like Ford, Toyota, Mazda, Honda, Accura, Nissan, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz. We make it easy for you to place your order online or by phone. You can also request a price quote on the website or via email.

The fields and sections that are pre-printed for you to complete

One of the most important sections is the area where we can personalize the form by adding your logo, business name, address, and phone number. Personalization gives you an opportunity to promote your business and build a stronger brand name. 

Parts - In this section, you can list the details of the parts used for a repair like quantity, part description/name, sales amount, and cost. It also has a column that is related to the codes N-New, U-Used, R-Rebuilt, and O-OEM.
Description of work - Operation number, instructions, amount, lubricate, change oil, flush transmission, polish, and wash.
Estimated amount - Estimate for parts and labor, additional authorized amount, the revised estimate, and approved by.
Accessories - Gallons of gas, quarts of oil, lbs of grease, and total
Final Totals - labor, parts, hazardous waste disposal, tires/tubes, special work, tax, total

This form can be numbered or customized with your logo and business information at no additional cost. It's pre-printed in 4 parts and the imprint area can be personalized with ink colors black, blue, red, or green. If your imprint requires a logo, select the location (relative to your artwork).
Note: Custom logos will be printed in the imprint color selected in Step 2. Logos may be sized to fit the area.

Available booked into sets of 50 (stapled through the stub and wrapped with a heavy manila backer) for an additional charge.

Type: Auto Repair Order
Parts: 4 parts/copies
Paper Type: Carbon paper
Size: 8 1/2" x 8 1/2"
Imprint Area: 1" x 4"
Valid in the state of California.
You can order this repair form Imprinted or blank
Have questions about forms? Check out our FAQs.

Product # ARO-371 Snap-A-Part


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