Background Colors available: black, 185 red, warm red, 201 maroon, 208 maroon, 209 maroon, 151 orange, 471 brown, 175, brown, 464 brown, 423 grey, 342 green, 348 green, process blue, 300 blue, 314 blue, reflex blue, 281 blue.
Background Design: Standard or ODT Void Security. Pantograph background designs available.
Paper Options: Basic Security, Advanced Security, and Superior Security
Endorsement backer available
Company Information:
Business Name
Address 1
Address 2
City, State, and Zip
Additional Line
Font Options:
Avant Garde
Helvetica Narrow
Kabel MD
Times New Roman
Text Alignment: Left or Center
Bank Information:
Bank Name
Bank Address
Bank City, State, and Zip Code
Bank Fraction
Routing & Account Number:
Submit your routing and account number by:
Uploading a voided check, starter check or bank documentation.
Enter MICR information manually.
To ensure proper placement, please upload a copy of your Bank's MICR spec sheet or a scanned copy of your actual check scaled to 100%. Click here to download a blank MICR spec sheet.
Signature Line:
Select number of signature lines required. 1 or 2.
The default microprint signature line text is "SECURITY CHECK".
You are able to change it below.
Signature Title
You can add your own text Above Signature Line

Printegra Security Check Paper
Basic Security Paper
The first level of security paper provides a strong defense against fraud.
Features include:
• Invisible Embedded Fiber
• Laser Compatible
• UV Dull
• Bleach and Oxidizer Reactivity
• Solvent Based Ink Eradicator Reaction
Advanced Security Paper
The second level of security paper includes more distinctive features that increase the level of protection.
Features include:
• True Fourdrinier Watermark
• Invisible Embedded Fiber
• Toner Grip
• Laser Compatible
• UV Dull
• Bleach and Oxidizer Reactivity
• Solvent Based Ink Eradicator Reaction
Superior Security Paper
The third level of security paper features a true watermark and provides the most exclusive and advanced paper-based document protection available to check printers. This high-end security paper has an arsenal of features nearly impossible to beat.
Features include:
• Laser Compatible
• Invisible Embedded Fiber
• Visible Fibers
• Full Chemical Reactivity
• True Fourdrinier Watermark
• Optically Dead Base Sheet
Compatible with ACCPAC Plus Accounting software
1, 2, and 3 parts available
Check colors: 18 different background and imprint colors to choose from