Our laser payroll checks make it easy to list earnings, deductions and more. Our laser middle payroll checks make generating payroll easier than ever.
- Includes personalization up to 4 lines and numbering.
- Security features reduce the risk of fraud.
- The checks are preprinted for your laser printer
- Professional looking and secure payroll check printing paper
- Perforated
- Matching Companion window envelopes available
- Detachable check stubs or voucher
- Add your business name to Voucher 1, Voucher 2, or both
- Add Routing Number, Account Number, and Check Number
- Add Typestyle options like the font and text colors (red, brown, burgundy, dark, green, gray, green, navel blue, process blue, & reflex blue)

Premium Check Background Color Designs: American flag, eagle, antique, & Blue - TaperGuard Plus

Standard Background Color Designs: Herringbone - gray, blue, yellow, green, tan, maroon, & purple
Size: 8 1/2 x 11"​
Parts: 1-Part/Original, 2-Parts/Duplicate, & 3-Parts/Triplicate
Quantity: Minimum quantity 250
Add Matching Companion Envelopes